If you’re already a Chor Leoni friend and fan, all you’ll need to do is set a password using the ‘reset your password‘ function. Follow the instructions below to do so.

If that doesn’t work, simply visit my.chorleoni.org and register for a new account.

Reset Your Password
Step 1:

An image of the Password Recovery page

To reset your password, visit https://my.chorleoni.org/authentication/password-recovery and enter your email address then select the “Recover Password” button.


A screenshot of a page that reads "We received your password reset request."

You will be automatically redirected to a confirmation page with information about an email with a link to reset your password then sign in.


Step 2:

A screenshot of the "Set Your Password" email

An image showing the different areas of the Password Reset form

  1. Once the email arrives, select the “Set Your Password and Log In” button.
  2. Your email address and verification code will be pre-filled for you.
  3. Set your password then enter again in the confirmation field.
    Password must contain at least:
    8 characters
    1 number
    1 special character (eg. !, @, #, $, %)
    1 uppercase letter
    1 lowercase letter
  4. Select the “Reset Password” button

You will be automatically directed to the Log In page.


Step 3:

An image of the login screen

Use your email and new password to log into your account. 

Now that you have access to your account, you’ll be all set to purchase season packs, manage your tickets, make donations, and view your tickets for upcoming performances.

Access Your Account

Thank you for going through this process! If you have any problems or questions, feel free to reach out to us by phone at 604.263.7061 or send us a note to info@chorleoni.org.